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Miss. Scott and I started this project in the fall of 2020, by talking to Dr. Stanley to see if there was any space available, at LEAD, for this project. He got us in contact with the landscapers, and we were able to take a look at a detailed layout of LEAD's exterior. 

After looking at the exterior design layout of LEAD, we picked out a few places that the garden could go. Proceeding this, we collaborated with Miss. Wurst, who gave me some great advice, and her thoughts for future steps. To add, Miss. Wurst put us in contact with Jay Tillotson, a landscaper for Hermes. 

In February, Jay kindly came to LEAD to look at the land and give us his feedback on our progress. We had a wonderful meeting with him, and put concrete steps in place for further growth. 

After our meeting with Jay in February, we sent him a copy of the layout for the garden, and he informed us that Hermes Landscaping would donate the supplies for the project! We are now planning a construction date, and making arrangements with NHS for volunteers. 

Much more to come!

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